Abbaye Saint MéenAbbaye Saint Méen

Joseph Ambassador around St Méen - Montauban

Portrait of Joseph

Joseph was born into a very modest farming family 4 km from Quédillac. A teacher spotted his ability to learn and encouraged his parents to continue his studies. He became a professor of classical literature, then a school principal, and remains in close contact with his native town where he has been a municipal councilor since 1983.

Returning to live in Quédillac at the time of his retirement, he became involved in local life and associations. He is regularly called upon to listen to his wise counsel.

Joseph has written three books, “If Quédillac Was Told to Me“, a long reflection as well as much research on the local life of his commune; then “Si Médréac m’était conté ” designed on the same model. In both books, he devotes a chapter, “recreation,” to a glossary composed of expressions and vocabulary in Gallo.

His latest work, “Broken Lives “, is a notebook of Jean-Louis Gilbert, a poilu during the 14/18 war, which Joseph deciphered and transcribed over several years with the help of descendants of the soldier.

Joseph is available to visitors for all topics related to his country, this is the meaning of his commitment. His talents as a storyteller are undeniable even though he says he prefers writing to telling.

Text and photos © Eve Morcrette

To meet Joseph, contact:

Office de tourisme du Pays de Saint-Méen Montauban
5 rue de Gaël – 35290 SAINT-MEEN-LE-GRAND
✆ 02 99 09 58 04
